I realized recently that I can speak German!! Seriously it is not as hard as it sounds!? And I’ll prove it to you!
When I started learning English it waz very hard for me at that tym. I waz in the siksth grade. My peerz haz olredi started English lesunz ven zei ver en ze fifsz græd. Zat shud hav mæd lyf hardar for mi. but sens ai vaz a veri smart gai ai vaz kæpabel of lerneng ze languæg ezili.
Az such ai desaided tu start lerning german. Tu mai serpriz et vaz ekstrimli ezi, und nut az defikult az ai vaz mæd tu beliv. Und so, ai enkurej evriuan ho is entrested en lerning ekzotek languæj or sempli a nu mezod ov komunikæschn tu sempli pik ze best teknik zat sot him or her. Io vel bi shokt hao koikli io kan mastar it
Zis saonded veri vird az ai began. Naw it iz komplitli nachoral
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