During the past few weeks we have witnessed another episode from a non-stop series of killing and massacres Israel has orchestrated in the holy land! A land, they
claim, has been promised to them by God!! And this is basically the most basic reason why this state is on the face of the Earth. What is funnier is the fact that they are getting all support needed from all the Western, and supposedly “Secular” countries!.
However, during this episode we have witnessed some changes!! Things that never really happened before! Or at least for as far as I remember. Gazing at these changes and dissecting them might come up with conflicting feeling for all parties. It can be very confusing, and probably will not help any party coming up with any conclusions, or make any prediction. Or, let’s be more specific, unpredictable predictions!! But I choose to look at the overall picture! Change is good. Why? SImply because it means things are not going the way they have always gone! And this, undoubtedly is good for us! And I can argue, for the world! For the first time the Arab Countries have publicly taken sides! Different sides that is. While the Egyptian government has shamelessly taken the side of the aggressor along with a couple of those governments, Other Arab states showed the same level of solidarity with Palestinians as always! Albeit useless and lame! Turkey, one of the biggest Muslim countries, a key player in the Middle East, and usually one with an independent decision! have criticized Israel with a new tone! Harshly, uncompromisingly and straight in the face. They refused to receive any Israeli diplomats, and on several occasions called this operation a crime and a massacre. It is important to note that Turkey has always been considered a close ally of the US, and a close ally of Israel as well.
MR. Erdogan made his voice, and his nation’s, clearer on where he stands and walked out on Perez and Davos. He felt offended simply because Perez and Israel as usual try their best to fool people by twisting facts and reversing irreversible arguments; like who came first, the chicken or the egg? It’s obvious, you are the one who is breaking the law by occupying other people, end of story.
BBC, CNN and the rest were forced for the first time to extensively cover the events in Gaza and show the world the ugly face of Israel. Because the simply couldn’t avoid the fact the Aljazeera International has its reach, and people can actually watch on it what happens. So the state of denial and masking the facts had to be tuned down by these station, although they made sure every single time they show a dead body, the stick the sentence “Hamas is firing rockets”. As if Hamas and the Palestinian should have rolled down and died silently. I think Al Jazeera is doing a great job, and I always thought that somebody must do this job. Telling the story to the world, in its language that is. I personally got sick of Arabic channels telling you the same story over and over again, on every occasion and evey anniversary! WE KNOW THE STORY!! THE WORLD DOESN’T YET!. More and more people around the world started opening their eyes and looking at the atrocities the Israeli government is commiting in Palestine!! And it’s safe to say that the European governments can not keep ignoring their citizens for a long time, if those citizen grow sick and tired of the ever forgiving policies that their country implement towards Israel. Those demonstrations in Denmark, Norway, UK and other European countries probably didn’t help the people of Gaza that much, but it can be a good indication that there is still some goodness in this world, and that people can actually look beyond religion, ethnicity or the Holocaust Guilt to see the real and contemporary tragedies in this world.
Hugo Chavez and Morales. They probably have their own agenda, and they should. But they proved to me and two millions like me just how pathetic the leaders of the arab world generally are. Again, they might not be the most influential countries in the world, but how about we try to make them be. Just a theory, if Saudi, Iran, Venezuela, Libya, Algeria form some kind of coalition like the G7 for example. Don’t you think they can exert enough political pressure to do whatever they want in their regions? The answer is yes they can! But No, God forbids Saudi does such a thing! How can they ever do something useful. Just one more thing before I wrap up. One mindless idiot, or probably more, came out after the infamous Arab summit, which I think has been ranked top of the list on the world’s laughing stocks, and said we should not allow non-arab countries interfere with the Palestinian issue. Whisper “ Turkey and Iran “. You mindless losers, what is it that you’ve done to the Palestinians to play the role of the guardian of the Arab world and say such sickening sentence!! They are afraid of a new Ottoman empire!!. You know what, if Turkey decides to invade the Arab world, I’ll stand on the gates of Aleppo waving a Turkish flag, because we have reached a new level of mediocrity that we can actually co-habit with cockroaches!!