
What makes Jordan a great place to live in?

I've written an earlier post about the reasons why I thought Dubai is one of the best places to live (Here) . Now, it's time to talk about Jordan.

Being a Jordanian, and someone who lived most of his life in Jordan, I should be able to write a comprehensive piece on the subject. However, those who lived or continue to live in Jordan know that the country changes very quickly. The social fabric in the country keeps morphing and changing. It remains to be a matter of debate whether those changes in all aspects of life are to the better or worse. What everyone seems to agree on is that change do happen, and in a pacey way.

Therefore, I realized that for someone who has been coming back to Jordan mostly for holidays for the past five years, it will make sense to ask for feedback from those who currently live there, or in some way have experienced the place recently.

So, this is an invitation to all of you out there, to grace us with your comments, telling us what makes Jordan a great place to live in?

Spread the word. We want to know what you think :)